Miyerkules, Oktubre 18, 2017

David Archuleta Presscon

I enjoyed my intimate moment with David Archuleta with some of the Ovation Productions. Being one of the runner up winners of American Idol, he shared his battles with voices of the world. That season of his life seems very hard but because I believe he is called to overcome because of his strong faith of the One who created him "Jesus", that makes him even stronger. Upon advising his past industry that he was going to take a break, people around him told him to keep the momentum going and that people would forget him if he did take a break and told him all the reasons why that was a dumb idea. 

David also stated that it scared him at that time but he decided to put his trust in God as he said, “But I think that sometimes God asks us to do some things that seem dumb to everybody else. He makes sense out of the things that don’t make sense to the world where He says He will cofound the world, the learnedand the smart ones of the world because to them, things like this doesnt make sense at all. But he is not looking at you being a miilionairewith fifty million followers or fans. I mean, he can use that for good but he doesnt value your on that matter... He is not a prospector of persobs... so i have to give that all my trust... As he  surpassed that stage of pressure those who tried to pull him down.

He even shared his moments back when his sister was in highschool wherein his sister thought that she was ugly and was not that good enough and it was because they always thought and looked at things that they didnt have before.

 David also shared that he thinks that social midea is a good thing but sometimes you have to put those gadgets away so you can check and find your self value again

 God turned things around for him as he is now being used in GODLY MISSIONS of spreading God's goodbess and love. He is truly an authentic living testimony of God's mighty work


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